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Our CTO & Co-Founder: Florian Theimer

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2 minutes
6th of September 2022

"I really only do what I enjoy. Traveling, listening to music and a bit of programming" - and founding two companies at the age of 22. At today's #teamtuesday we would like to introduce Florian Theimer, Co-Founder and #CTO of Spreadly.

From digital cookbook to Spreadly

Flo first dared to use programming languages when he was 14 years old and started working with #PHP. First projects were an online cookbook for mom's and grandma's recipes, a cloud and a financial management system. The first big project was an uptime monitoring system he wrote when he was 15. As part of the publication of it, he founded xolf UG from, which, however, was initially more of a zero-sum game. By the way: the name xolf comes from his then online username Flox, spelled backwards. At that time Flo was also working for a company as a web developer. After graduating from high school, he started to study computer science, but for him, too, university remained rather a secondary matter. Instead, he got involved in the student consultancy, where he is now part of the management team and continues to program whatever he feels like doing and where he can help others. This is how his first own company Homeworker, a digital communication platform for schools, was born in March 2021.

Spreadly's first steps

At the beginning of this year, he started building a DSGVO-compliant one-link solution, initially as his own project. From that, as he continuously added new features and optimized the software, the idea for Spreadly - your digital business card evolved. In March, he brought in his Co-Founder Darius to look at the business issues and they launched Spreadly as a digital business card for companies with a #B2B focus.

Something left?

When Flo isn't working, he's coding away at the various other things, listening to music, for example his favorite musician Casper and likes to watch trash TV to switch off. And when he has too much time to spare, he likes to go to music festivals 🤘

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