Custom domains, Wallet syncing and improved contacts

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One minute
5th of June 2023

In this article:

Over the last week we further enhanced our Team version and polished our "Add to contacts". With some changes in our infrastructure we're now happy to announce those new features to you.

🌍 Custom domains

You can now use your custom domains for your team. Instead of our default domain you can bring your own subdomain for your Spreadly cards. What about or

🔄 Instant Apple and Google Wallet updates

All Apple and Google wallets are going to be updated with every change. No more re-adding cards after some changes.

📇 Improved contact download

Instead of using the default value for contact fields (e.g. phone, email or homepage) we now use your chosen text for the referring element. This makes your contact stand out from the many others.

💡 You are missing something or have an idea?

With every month we're looking for new features and possibilites to enhance your daily networking a little more. Just let us know your idea and can put them on our roadmap.

We wish you a productive day and have a nice week!

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