A big welcome to Ice!

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One minute
4th of February 2023

In this article:

Finally we continue with the #teamtuesday and today with a Hej from Uppsala, Sweden 🇸🇪 We are very happy that Taninwat „Ice" will support us as an intern in the next weeks 😊

Taninwat is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Entrepreneurship at Uppsala University. He is also holding a Bachelor's degree in Game Design and Project Management 🤖🎮

He is passionate about business and entrepreneurship, as well as books, investments and sports such as football ⚽️ and boxing 🥊 You can always discuss with him about blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, any type of entrepreneurial activity 💡or his favorite movie The Conjuring

We‘re super happy to have you, have a great start at Spreadly 🚀

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